Leave a Lasting Legacy.
Protect What's Yours.

Miami Wills Lawyer

Last Will and Testaments Charting Your Future

Tailored Will Drafting at Perez-Roura Law

Navigating the vibrant, ever-evolving landscape of South Florida’s economy, business owners and real estate investors face unique challenges in protecting their assets and charting the future of their estate. Perez-Roura Law, whose attorney Pedro has been recognized as an esteemed Super Lawyers Rising Star for several years in a row, understands the intricacies involved in creating a will that not only protects your estate but also serves as a clear declaration of your intentions.

Crafting a Last Will and Testament is a fundamental component of estate planning, offering you the certainty that your legacy and life’s work are honored and distributed according to your wishes. Our experienced Miami wills attorneys will  provide personalized guidance to ensure your will stands as a testament to your achievements and your vision for the security of your loved ones.

Securing a Family’s Future Through Comprehensive Estate Planning

Highlighted Case Study

The family’s name and industry were changed to protect their privacy

Mr. Alvarez, a retiree who sold his business prior to moving to Miami, sought our expertise to craft a comprehensive estate plan. With our assistance, he retitled his home and vacation property so that they could pass to his family without probate and created a Last Will and Testament that outlined clear directives for his family. This foresight ensured that his personal affairs and investments were in order, providing his family with peace of mind and stability for the future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Why is having a last will and testament important for business owners and real estate investors?

A: A will is crucial because it provides legally enforceable instructions on how your assets are to be handled after your passing. It ensures that your estate is distributed according to your wishes, potentially reducing disputes among heirs and helping to streamline the probate process.

Q: Does a will need to be recorded in Florida?

A: No, a will is not recorded in the public records. However, after a person dies, the will is submitted to the probate court, and that becomes part of the public records.

Q: How often should I update my will?

A: You should review and potentially update your will after any major life event, such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, significant changes in your business, or the acquisition of new real estate. Regular reviews at least every three years are also advisable to ensure your will reflects your current wishes and circumstances.

Take the Next Step with Our Miami Wills Lawyers

At Perez-Roura Law, we are not just drafting documents; we are crafting a future that aligns with your vision. Our doors are open for personalized legal guidance in creating a Last Will and Testament that serves your unique needs as a South Florida business owner or real estate investor. Take the definitive step towards a secure future by reaching out to our adept estate planning lawyers. Call our wills attorneys today at (305) 570-3259 or use our online contact form to arrange a meeting. Let a Miami wills lawyer from our estate planning law firm to help you leave a lasting legacy with a last will and testament.